Wednesday 19 December 2012

Dec 19, 2012

Subject: Voting age

- My opinion on the voting age is the same as it is now in Canada. Even i think this is too young because some people that are 18 years old don't even have a clue on the political aspect. So they just vote for anyone, any party leader. Then we get a leader that is not that good, but this is all about those who do not know about politics. I say we should all know about it, because i know 18 years old is a little too young. These teenagers are now becoming adults, but they don't follow politics. If i were the president i would follow the rules of United States because there minimum age of voting is 21 years old. To me this is the perfect age is 21 years old, in Canada they thought about bringing it down to 16 years old. ARE YOU CRAZY!! Most 16 year old teenagers still go to school and don't watch the tv. why would they be able to vote... With some statistics, ages from 18-24 are the one that vote the most, because they do not care about politics.

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