Wednesday 26 September 2012

1750 Alfa Romeo

This is  1750s Car. It is a Alfa Romeo Gran sport.
 Its maybe not the first car that got invented around the world,
but its not new. We only wanted to show you guys some old cars,
and how the evolution of cars have evolved. They still used fuel to
run this car.
Mustang 1975
Mustang 1967. Its still runs with fuel, with a 8 cylinder motor.
Audi R8

Audi R8 2012. Its still runs with fuel, with a 10 cylinder motor.
So it uses a lot more fuel than the other sports car.
Hybrid Car

Hybrid Car, a hybrid car is a vehicle that uses two or more distinct 
power sources to move the vehicle. It is also rechargeable.
View of Hybrid Car
This is only a diagram to see what there is in an hybrid car.
Electric Car
Electric Car,  is an automobile that is propelled by one electric motor or more, 
using electrical energy stored in batteris or another energy storage device. 
Electric motors give electric cars instant torque, creating strong and smooth acceleration. It
automatically changes gas to electric, do not need to do it manualy.